

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
All i gotta say is......


Struggle Fuggle man, get your head outta the Dump and keep bringin it man, you see people still care what youre on, everyone and their mother knows losing streaks just need one nice day to feel good about yourself again


Hope you return soon brother, we miss ya

and hey, it cant be any worse then Someone i know lol (Hint: I know him REAL WELL)

But i know you are a perfectionist, and hey man, we cant all do it all the time, Buckle up in the PC Chair and get your ego back, i know its takin a Hit the last few but um BROTHAS IN SHORTS MAN! LAZY OVER PAID SHMUCKS WHO SHOW UP WHENEVER THEY WANT, how the hell are you supposed to know which night thatll be?
NBA = Nuttin But Attitude

Hope you feel it soon brother, you know i love ya!
If i dont see you before Mon at the Dog, Merry Xmas to you and yours man, you know how to find me, feel free
Maybe i can give ya hot tip about the NBA today, Yeah thatll happen lol

Ciao my friend!

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
nice job man

i am also a Serie A capper, i thought Inter would Draw with Lazio in Olimpico myself, i mean how long can this go on lol

No Ibrim for Sat game, although Atal prob wont give them much of a contest in San Siro, and i do think theyll go into the Holiday break still just on fire

And Roma (My Team) has a Cupcake, and should at worst Keep up with them

Interested in seeing how Catania Deals with having the Day Off Wed, playing a Samp team that is revamped a bit it seems

I Was with you on Fiore, too good right now and as healthy as they can be, and Having Messina @ Home sure isnt going to hurt them

I Personally have a strange feeling that Torino will walk into Livo and wipe the floor with them, but thats for Sat and you prob have your own insights on these contests im sure

GL to you before the break,
Good stuff brother, Take care!

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Vegas Bowl Opinion!!

I am a forum owner myself and i am 2 - 0 in The First bowl game listed in my forum and i decided to come see what the Rx had going on, Madness i tell ya lol
Ill throw my 2 cents in here, why not, ofcourse trying to make an impression is tough in a new place as monstrous as this one but we try ya know, although some of you may know me from all over the place anyway, Me not be a Noob to this stuff lol

BYU is just Just rolling coming into this Contest, killing Conf opponents and i dont think this Ducks team comes close to last years squad and i know Points should come and they will, i mean 62.5 ? Vegas says they see Points, i dont know about that, there will be points for sure but BYU should have most of them, and anyone with the Name Leaf that takes the field, granted his brother completely shmucked up, but there isnt any expectations on this kid, and it can only be better than the one Ryan Left behind, although his college career wasnt anywhere near the Debacle he pulled in the NFL, but this BYU Def is no slouch, and playing to FINALLY win a bowl game, this team taking the field hasnt won a bowl game yet and im sure theyd like to walk out of here with some respect, and a close game or a loss will send them into further Post season disappointment.

Obviously we all know about the Coaching stuff here, New Team vs his Old Def Coord yeah yeah, and what gives with the "he should have them figured out" because he is the reason they are there to begin with, and im sure he does in fact know the team, so he better mix it up A TON, he may know their strengths, but he should also be aware of weaknesses, gonna be interesting to watch unfold for sure

Seeing a 37 - 20, 38 - 17, type game, again creeping under as last Bowl game did, scariest of the two selections for me here is the Total, these kids dont stop trying to score, even with reserves in if it gets out of control, but i guess we have to make some kind of choice on that coin flip so ill go under again

BYU -3
BYU/ Oregon Under 62.5

Best Of Fortune to you! :103631605

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
lol gee.....

......that was tough

hmm Troy and Rice next huh

does anyone even care who wins this game lol

i dont think ill be risking my 4 - 0 Bowls Number to risk it on such a game, i mean its tough to not like Rice and the Over with no real personal views of either teams games, i mean yeah sure the stats can walk you into a game but for me i like to know the teams from what i saw not what i read, and ofcourse we cant see every teams games, but uh TROY? on tv? lol yeah sure, and uh Rice, not too many E Carolina/ Rice games make the tube lol

And i gotta know something?


so are you telling me that all these shmucks go to or covers or where ever you think you have some kind of edge and see what people are on to justify this as the PUBLIC PERCEPTION?

PEOPLE! WHAT GOES ON AT WHINERLINE has ABSO-SMURF-LY nada to help you determine anything, especially some kind of public perception, i cant help but laugh EVERY time i see someone say they are fading some public % of IDIOTS and put their Rep on making a pick using it
I know personally many people who go there and take the team on the right and the Total on the right to just get a copy of Lines to print out, THEY DIDNT MAKE A TRUE PICK and dont care too, so they officially have the home team and the under for every game, do you really think thats what they are playing for cash? seriously?

Keep using that to help you bet

Gooood luck with that :lol:

Howd that go for ya tonight? Take Oregon huh, YEAH SURE!!!

Public Shmublic, the day i use that to help me bet on a game, please shoot me!!

All i gotta say, and if ya think i care to read a response about it, keep writing lol
Wasted Web Ink!!

ok said what i had to say, if i offended you, uh deal with it so i can :lol: again!!

i know this is a big place with TONS of opinions, and dont want to ruffle feathers but this public shit humors me to no end, and the second i see someone say something to that effect, Click, Next post please lol

Fact: Not one person who has known me as a capper for the last 4 years ive been posting has ever seen me say anything near what the Public is doing as a reference to justify a game result
Just my opinion ofcourse, kinda like someone who says they have a SYSTEM!! Now thats a even greater LOL
Like this big of one ....


ok then, nuff said, sorry

See ya!

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
New Orleans Bowl Opinion!

ok 4 - 0 so far in the lovely Bowl season and plenty more to come

Ok well ive been sitting on the fence here as the matchup is ugly

But its only Ugly Defensively

i think i read someone say that they see a defensive battle?
Oh really?

And how the fuck do you come up with that?

54? 54 huh?

you do realize that 54 points in an Indoor game, with two Defenses with NO CLUE, has Over written all over it
Over being 9 of 10 for Rice the last ten and all easily over 60
Rice giving up 417 YPG and almost at dead bottom of the ncaa
Troy may have an edge on paper but uh, Me, Brewers7 and any 3 other dudes i want to grab here at the Rx can hold N Texas, FAU, And Alab St to what they held them too, i love those misleading stats when it comes to mixing conf play, and yes they have the commonality of Fla St and Yes Rice got killed much worse, and in fact if i remember right, Troy had the ball twice, late in that game to almost give that program one of, if not THE biggest win theyve had, but Nebraska sure put them in place quick
Blakeney has been there for what 16 years now, only his second Bowl game and they lost their Prev matchup in 04 with N Ill, and we have a first year coach who has set this program on the Up Side, and again ill grab the Team rolling into their bowl game with some sort of win streak

Its Troy we need to worry about scoring, Omar is 17 - 16 TD Pick Ratio is ugly, but he does complete over 62% and will have success to an extent

Chase for Rice has been stellar though, 21 - 5 Ratio, a 1000 Yd receiver and a 1000 yd Rusher behind him, and He grabbed almost 500 yds rushing himself to boot, if it breaks down up front he has no problem taking it outside and getting something out of nothing, and Quinton almost out gained the WHOLE TROY Backfield HIMSELF!! and throw in Dillards 1176 Yds Rec and 20 TDS?!?!?! yeah i wonder whos going to have the lovely task of covering his ass all night lol

and the line move? Ok it opened at 7 and now its 4?
lol uh THANKS!

3 Favs Hitting to open Bowl season is how i see it, and im a Dog kinda guy if you know me, i mean the Forum i Run is called THINK DOG, HELLO?!?!?! Tell ya a bit does it?

Anyway, Thats what i got today, Weak Bowl game but worth watching because of the Offense we havent seen yet in the Early Bowl season and btw, Brent Musberger is an idiot, his opening statement for the Vegas Bowl was
"in what we expect to be a VERY HIGH SCORING AFFAIR"? Yeah ok Brent, he tried to make up for that comment all night
Must have been hopeful to hit his Wager again lol

Projected Final Score :
Rice 45- 24

Plays :
Rice -4
Troy/ Rice Over 54

Good Fortune to you guys today, whatever side youre on :103631605

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
yo dude

they both played the Noles too btw not just UAB
And Troy easily wins that battle, but got slapped around by The Huskers the next week BADLY!
and even if the QB situation is what it is, Rice has got Way more skill and Experience at WR and backfield, having a 1000 yd rec and Rusher, All the Kids gotta do if Chase doesnt start is hand the ball off and find Mr Dillard as often as possible (20 TD's)

But GL to ya man!!

and why is wagerline being mentioned? Public? yeah sure, keep thinking that Wagerlines Public has any significance lol

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Wagerline? Public?

Ok what is it with all these people and looking at the Wagerline % of people to use as a PUBLIC PERCEPTION?

ok i went there today and saw about 3000 people have made some sort of selection on the Rice game ok

3000 people?????

People, 3000 VIRTUAL, MOCK, NO MONEY HAVING UNITS means nothing!

You do realize that 3000 people gives you NO CLUE about the public perception?

how many people live in the US?
How many people live in Canada?

How many people live over seas (UK, Japan, Europe etc)

Now, how many sports bettors you think there are in this world?

3000? um try adding quite a few ZEROS to that total, talking Millions guys, Fucking Millions of people

Ever been to Vegas or Atlantic City just to mention a couple of places who have the Big boards you see which sportsbooks have current lines for the games?
And you think Wagerline is on those boards? seriously?
Its a fucking No money transaction site, and If it dont involve money Vegas doesnt even recognize it!
there could be a 2400 -150 discrepency over at wagerline and vegas would give 12 SHITS about what goes on at a MOCK VIRTUAL UNIT website!
If you think the Public is covered in your WAGERLINE.COM site, with those whole 3000 SHMUCKS over there, uh LOL
how many people have 10 IDs at that place?
How many have 5 or 6 just trying to be on the right side with ONE ID but make numerous selections on a game as different people
then throw in the guys who just go there to get lines and take the Team on the right and the Total on the right just to print out the Lines wagerline offers, with no concern of making it a PLAY!

Sorry people, wagerline and your PUBLIC has Abso-Smurf-Ly NADA to effect ANY outcome of anything, and if thats what you use to say FADE THE PUBLIC, GET OUT NOW WHILE YOU STILL HAVE SOME DIGNITY!!!
When you can find numbers more like 135,000 - 113,000 WITH REAL MONEY INVOLVED, Now you have a better perception of what the true Public is on to an extent, fucking 3000 people at a FAKE VIRTUAL UNIT SITE?

All i gotta say!

Im not trying to be condescending, or have you think, who does this guy think he is?
Its just not the eyes of where the True Public Money is and i have to feel bad for people who use it, Just My Opin i guess
Sorry, but it is what it is

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006

.... how many people do you know that made ALL their bowl picks before the games were even close to kickoff
I know i sat with 3 guys who made their bowl picks at wagerline THE DAY AFTER THE LINES CAME OUT!, so much changes in a month, Injuries, weather, Suspensions (Aka Reggie Ball type things, like him or not the guy took every snap this year so they have to totally reduce/revise the playbook)

Ahh i just personally cant believe anyone using WAGERLINE to think they can Fade some public opinion, id love to know how many people would love to go back and change a pick theyve allready made because they made it too early, and then like i said all the Goons with Numerous ID's

again ill just say GOOD LUCK WITH THAT lol

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
ok and?

primetime21 said:
true, but it is at the very least an indicator of what the average person likes for a particular game.

so you like following Average guys or people who you know have knowledge and intuition, you could be taking peoples picks who just pick Hockey all year and when the bowls come out they make picks in NCAA FOOTBALL?

you dont know man, you just dont know who is making those selections, and again ITS NOT REAL MONEY, kinda like a shmuck who says I HAVE 300,000 FREE CHIPS at
yeah ok, put REAL money in that account and lets see if you call a raise with that J 6 now!
Huge difference when TRUE CASH is on the line, there is nothing on the line at wagerline, oh wait you can come in the top 25 and get a hat sorry !! llol (Yeah the top 5 or 10 get some cash, whatever)
wagerline is good for one thing, SURVIVOR! hey 100,000 ? now thats worth going after, not that any of us will do it but we try, i know i do, and ive made it to 12 there and 10 a couple of times, got the Hats to prove it lol
Wow Go me!! lol

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Serie A Saturday (Italia)

Hey guys, i mentioned to one of the guys here about My Futbol so i thought id Post my thread at my own forum today, it may be a bit much but its me and how i post lol

And it goes like..............

Ok here we go for the last time for 3 weeks, as we hit the break, so we gotta make it good and finish strong ya know!

Ok since its the first game listed i start with our LOVELY DOG OF THE DAY! And it will be posted in the Think Dog dog of the day section as soon as this post is wrapped up

Ok whats happening here is Torino is playing so well, and Livorno has managed 2 points (Draws) in their last 5 games and gettin hammed up, and vegas has the audacity to make Torino a +240 Dog?
Ok sure they are on the road, which can be scary, the Draw could come into play here but ya know what? im hittin the +240 with the hotter team to go into the break, both coming off Losses, but the Team who takes this contest will sit with 24 Points, and make a huge leap in the standings with ONE WIN, with basically 12th (19 points Catania) thru 4th (23 Points) being basically ONE WIN from being All together, A CONGLOMERATE if you will lol

Big road win for Torino Here, let me hit a Nice Dog to finish out will ya!!

Torino +240 ML

Ok again i look at a team within that CONGLOMERATE of madness, and have watched Sampdoria manage 10 points of a Poss 12 in the month of december, being 3 - 0 - 1, in American terms thats 3 wins , 0 losses and A Draw, i mean hotter team? ok sure uh Inter ya think? lol
Regardless, I would love nothing more to see Samp finish out Dec going into the Break 4 - 0 - 1 and saying YEAH we got it at +195 to boot! Catania Got the Wed game off, as it was a Suspended game, so youd think that would give them the edge, and Damn me if they are Undefeated at home thus far, which sucks ya know lol
Ahh hmm maybe i should fall off this fence, i mean Hey Catania is Undefeated at home and listed at +140, god ya gotta love soccer lol
nothing like Pucks as there is always One team with a ML with a -105 at best normally ya know, so the Fav of this game is Home Cat at +140, and only given up 6 goals at home this year, phew what a game, hmm lemme see if its on the tube, hey yeah it is, its on FSC but itll be on delay, and after i have the scores, but regardless, my DVR records anything Italian Serie A, and i have 2 games On Gol TV and the Samp game on FSC, and Bowl games, and NHL, and Some College Hoops, YEAH OK FINAL SAT BEFORE Xmas is either going to break me or fill my tree lol

Anyway sorry, hmm, tough game IF anything Ive now convinced myself that a 1 - 1 Draw and an Under sure seems to be nice, i mean this could be a 1 - 1 Game in the Making too, id go to to get this Under at a good Price, at the Greek and a Straight 2 is -125 but at Wagerweb its a +ML, and im grabbing it there, thats where ive had my account for Soccer for quite some time, as Brewers7 will attest, when i won the $500 First Prize at March Madness Contest, he helped me Kick in the Rollover by helping me out because i had won one of his contests at TTS777, as well and asked if he just put in my Neteller acct so i could feed it into that account and kick in the $500 bonus i easily Covered and and rolled over 8X, not the 5X min i had to, so i pulled a nice chunk from that little Tourney lol

Wow ok i keep going in a diff direction huh lol

Ahh no one cares about soccer so shut your pie hole lol

Welcome To Foosball!

Cat/ Samp Under 2.5 +105, was the point lol
Small action on the Draw +200

Ok so nice to see Reggina get involved in a high scoring game On Wed, Perfect situation for an Under today @ Stadio Granillo
the Last 3 times the Amaranto have hit an over the Under has Poured in behind it, and an exact 3 - 2 Score with Parma earlier, led to 4 str Unders to follow it , then an Over, and Rolled off Unders, now an Over came Wed and its just time for an Under again, Goals NEVER come easy when you play Empoli so it just fits as a perfect lead in to How Empoli plays Futbol, they invented the Under this season, INVENTED IT! Empoli has played 7 road games so far and the Goals Total is 5 for and 5 Vs lol i mean hello?
And both teams really have a Def style, and will both be Not too eager to give up a goal believe me, and if any ssense of weather comes into play, which it seems it could but i dont live there officailly i can only get a Forecast obviously, and the Forcast for Reggio Calabria is STRAIGHT RAIN ALL DAY!, so uh hey let them do what they do in the rain and keep it Out of the Woodwork!
All i can do here
Regg/ Emp Under 2.5 -125
Or Under 2 at the Greek is -100, but id rather have the extra .5 Goal at Wagerweb in case the Draw Comes into play 1 - 1 At best! I mean whats -125 to pay for a easier task in my opinion

OK Palermo so needs this game vs a team that has 1 Win at home, and is in the Bottom of that Conglomerate mentioned, so they need the game just as bad dont get me wrong, but IF Palermo plans on catching Roma and Inter, and at the same time keep the rest of the field a little at Bay with a few teams that can be creeping up their necks quick if they arent careful, Ahh man ya know what, Simplicio is back off the red Card and bogdani sat out Wed and i dont know how helathy he is for Siena, and hes the only other guy who can find the net it seems, Ill take Amauri to find the net, and Simplicio will find the Twine once and take out Siena and its at another Sweet +125, uh, i SAY YO YEAH!!! lol
Palermo +125 ML

Good enough why go too nuts, i have 26 other sports i need to cover still lol

CIAO BELLA AND BUON FORTUNA !!!<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

PS, you guys better check the weather for your games esp if you like Overs today in the Final games before the break, and teams Playing Just 3 days ago and 3 days before that, this is the 3rd game in a week for mostly everyone short of Cat and Empoli who had their game PPD Sun, i hope weather doesnt PP any games today, as the threat of rain is all over Italy in the Forecast im seeing for Sat
We shall see
And i love you guys On Roma, Tis My team for 24 years now, as you see in My Avatar is the AS Roma Logo, and F Totti is god!!! I root hard for you to hit that Wager Believe you me!! GL to you guys today seriously, and i hope my post wasnt too much
Again i say

Ciao Bella And Buon Fortuna!! :suomi:

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Im thinkin.....

........ maybe a 2nd H Over 23, i mean they wont be settling for FG all night will they, D will break down, points will come no?

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
theres 7

less than 3 mins boys!! Points allready

Like to see it, had to grab it and i posted it in my forum as a 2nd H prop bet

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Hawaii Bowl, Vegas is Fucking with us!

FUCK YOU Vegas!!!! keep bringin that Under down saying No ones hittin it, this is my Bowl Laugher of the season

you want to hand me 72? you do that!!

i just hit it at 72 and who knows if by morning itll change, or by kickoff, it opened at 75 at the greek when i got the opening lines Dec 3rd, its only started creeping Down as the Game has approached, and I personally think Vegas is full of shit on this one!!!

Points? 72 points in Saaweeeet hawaii!!!!
When has Hawaii Not put up 56 in a Home Bowl game, Colt is going for the 55 TD He will easily achieve, which i suspect hell have within the First Q, which obv he better because if it aint at worst 14-7 at the End of One, that 72 came become a little restless

You assume that Ariz St's Plan has got to be trying to keep that Offense off the field by controlling the ball and slowing it down?

Uh Yeah, when its as easy to score on Hawaii as it is, when you get 7 points in 4 mins because you can over power them at the Line, it sure will make Mr Torains Job (1,000 Yd Rusher) a little easier ya think!!!

You see how Covers is trying to make Ariz St out to be a Mash Squad?
yeah well maybe one of those guys would have had any significance to effect the outcome of this game anyway, so that is insignificant to me

Points guys, Fucking Points is all i see, I know Ariz St both has a Under Bowl Trend, but that trend snapped Last year, and shouldnt carry any weight with me, its THIS team that put up 45 in their Bowl Game last year, and For 2 ended the year on an Under run, acknowldged ok!!

Both kickers should have no prob grabbing any chance they get to put points on the Board, neither team has a kicker that can Pin any one deep all day, as both can kick, but the returns WILL lead to some points Believe me on that boys!

72 Doesnt Scare me any more than the Opening 75 did, and i think im catchin Vegas in one of their Vegas Ploys, hey if im wrong then so be it ya know, just a Magica Hunch i spose

Proj Final Score:

Hawaii 51 - 37

Hawaii -7

Ariz St./ Hawaii Over 72

Good Fortune guys and with no events really happening short of NFL stuff i wish you all a Great Holiday, be safe will ya!!
Ciao, Ege

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Tues Puck Droppings!!

hey guys, havent posted in the NHL section here yet, so why not start now, this is my post from my forum today!!

well back from the break, and ofcourse i should lay off and maybe make sure somethings that we didnt hear about over the xmas break doesnt surprise me and i hear something during the day that makes me say, Ahh fucking great , how the hell was i supposed to know that?

But some things i like today, and i hope that wont be the case with these few contests

Fla hasnt won 1 game in their last 9 vs this Division, Carolina is getting their shit str. it seems, and the home ice in this series has been a good play for me so ill do it again, hoping it hits 10, i love that # lol, and ill take this under as well, if it could end 2 - 2 in Reg a couple of Days ago, it can happen again tonight, sorry for the high juice as i hate it too but theyll take it and i wont worry about it
Canes ML -190
Fla/ Canes Under 6.5

Well, 8 - 0 Huh, fucking SNOWMAN TO NADA?
And they meet again, fuck guys you know me by now, when these two get together i dont care what it is, Its Over or bust for me, and TB Owns this team this year 4 - 1 so far, but i do hate the fact that they poured it on like that , that scares me, how often does a team thump someone and get shocked in a close game the next time they meet?
4 - 3 is how i see it
TB/ Atl Over 6.5

Uh NYR/ NYI again, again i say Over, why the hell not, it seems like all they do is put shots up, and i know Lundy and Ricky may get this start, but the offense on the Ice should reign again, why not go 3 - 0 with the Over with these two this year?
NYR/ NYI Over 6.5

Good Fortune Tuesday guys and A Belated Merry Xmas to all at the Rx!!! :103631605

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
what is a unit?



Ive tried to get my bookie to accept UNITS but he insists ON USING CASH!!!!
How many units did Pinnacle accept today? Thinkin NONE!

what the fuck is a unit? lol


FAKE, MOCK VIRTUAL BULLSHIT!!! thats what a unit is!!!!

i still dont get how people who post USE UNITS to depict what they are playing, and if youre using units, you arent using CASH, so who the hell cares!
you might as well post IM TAKING THE RANGERS TODAY FOR 3 WIDGETS!!!

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Detroit Rock City BOWL!!!

OK, I Be shootin 9 - 5, 64.3%, Overall in our Lovely Bowl season picking all sides and totals so today we head to.........

Motor City Bowl

well lines a movin plenty, i just got it at -8 boys? and i saw it at -7.5 in a few places too

they must be tryin to make us think that M Tenn is getting plenty of action, i dont care really, i thought C Mich would kill em before the line moved, so now they want to make my life a little easier and the 10 point win now Covers?

C Michigan -8

Points boys, seeing points, M Tenn cant stop this team from getting 42, so i only need 10 from M Tenn and ill get em
M Tenn/ C Mich Over 51<!-- google_ad_section_end -->

What fun thisll be to watch, thank god Hockey is on tonight lol

Good Fortune today Guys! :103631605

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
Emerald Bowl 12/27

10 - 6 to open bowl season (62.5%), and i do agree with a few guys who posted about the new Clock stuff after seeing that game last night, last year this game would have had plenty of time to at worst push the 72 i was getting last night but it is what is and we move on eh, and watching C mich just MUDDLE thru a good chunk of that game was somewhat sick to watch, that Shmuck QB for C Mich tucked that Ball in WAY too much, ahh whatever ya know, take the loss on the chin and be happy they covered at all i spose lol

ok back to today

Emerald Bowl

Ok line opened at Ucla -5 and again we have a situation where vegas has pulled the line down making us think the Dog is getting plenty of action to now be fav by a little more than a FG (3.5)
and its back fired for them oh about every time lol

hey im the biggest thinker of Dogs in this place believe me, as you might have read in other posts of mine, that the Forum i Operate is called THINK DOG! plenty of reasoning behind it, but i cant touch this Doggie today, in fact What in gods earth is Fla St even doing in a bowl?!?!
If i was Bowden i wouldnt have even accepted this game, WE STINK lol
so i guess he sees it as a Motivating factor for trying to give this team some attitude for 07, but the only thing with attitude is his D!
Offensively? ahh man why should i post about them barely in the TOP 80 in the country on the off side, i think they should have matched up last night with Midd Tenn, then maybe they could have provided ANYTHING!
THIS IS UCLA, coming off a Huge win, vs an Offense that uh if anyone wants to compare USC OFF to the Noles you go ahead and do that, let me know how that goes for ya lol
im alarmed actually that this total isnt at 36.5 or 37 and its at 39 down from the opening 40.5
40 points???
wait 40 points???

Ok is this a 6- 3 half time game and we sit here going uh 40???
Ucla is going to stop them everytime and if the Noles get more than 16 points ill dress up in a Noles cheerleading outfit and post it right here on the Rx (uh im kidding ok so dont get too nuts lol) :missingte

and the game is in SF? uh thanks again for the homefield, and i see wind may be an issue too, when is it not in this building ya know

Sorry boys i just dont see it

Proj Final score:
UCLA 23 - 13

Ucla -3.5
Total Under 39

Just hope something stupid doesnt happen to amazingly hit this over somehow, as you see i have 36 for a total, and i personally think that if it does go over its because the Noles completely proved they had no right to be here at all and Ucla hurts them for it and takes it 30+ to 10 and I get the shaft
We shall see, Good fortune today boys!!! :103631605

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006

now imagine if i cared what you thought, now thatd be something! :howdy:

ahh the ghetto lives on strong!!! :lol:

Represent my BROTHA!!!

Eat, Drink, Boogie, REPEAT!
Apr 7, 2006
hey man

well i have a couple

and i do hope you mean you live in the US and are looking for books to bet on ALL Futbol (Euro and beyond), uh you live in Clev, nevermind i just saw where you lived when i submitted the post sorry lol

unbelieveably, has the best Soccer lines ive seen, they always have a 2.5 for the O/U in Italy Serie A (Which is all i cap), and i go to the greek and Pinny , but they arent even comparable to what i get at

thats my suggestion, atleast check it out and compare, as again i say i dont look at anything but Serie A, but i assume theyll be comparable for you to use with most soccer contests, Just a Sugg. GL to ya!

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